Message Header Definition
Message header famously known as Sender ID has been categorised into 3 different types as following:
- Promotional
- Other
- Other- Government
Promotional Headers
Messages Headers that can be used for sending Promotional messages fall under promotional type. Promotional message means commercial communication that can be sent to a mobile subscriber whose preferences are not set (not on DND) Or, any commercial communication that an enterprise can send to an intended recipient after taking consent to send such messages.
Sample: 123980, 265467, 398765, 453123
Promotional headers should comprise with 6 numeric characters and start with the number that matches with the category prescribed by DND preference.
- Banking/Insurance/Financial products/ credit cards (Number assigned is 1). Example: 123765, 154326
- Real Estate (Number assigned is 2) Example: 234567, 276543
- Education (Number assigned is 3) Example: 387965, 345673
- Health (Number assigned is 4) Example: 457864, 443765
- Consumer goods and automobiles (Number assigned is 5) Example: 509875, 587654
- Communication/Broadcasting / Entertainment/IT (Number assigned is 6) Example: 667890, 676543
- Tourism and Leisure (Number assigned is 7) Example: 797657, 765432
- Food and Beverages (Number assigned is 8) Example: 876543, 854321
- Others – Category that doesn’t appear in 1-8 (Number assigned is 1 (Zero)). Example: 087654, 012345
Headers that can be used for sending Transactional, Service Implicit and Service Explicit message fall under other type. Same Header can be used against all three type of messages.
Sample: KITSMS, KONDUR, KitSms etc.
Other headers should comprise of 6 case sensitive alpha characters.
Transactional Header:
Message which contains One Time Password (OTP) and requires to complete a banking transaction initiated by the bank customer. This is applicable to all banks including national/ scheduled/ private/ Govt. and MNC banks.
Service Implicit Header:
Messages arising out of customer’s actions or his relationship with the Sender, that is not promotional, and is not in the interest of the customer to block such communications. These messages may or may not be triggered by a subscriber- initiated transaction and will not be blocked for subscribers who have otherwise blocked service messages also.
Service Explicit Header:
Any service message which doesn’t fall under the category of service implicit will be sent only against service explicit, digitally verified/verifiable consent that has been taken from the subscriber by the respective enterprise.
Sample: GREYTI, FBloan, SPRcrd, MAXLIF
Other – Government
Only Government entities can register these Headers that can be used for sending Transactional, Service Implicit and Service Explicit messages.
Sample: 1222, 17878, 14444, 10101010
Other govt headers can be in any length from 3-9 numeric characters and should start with 1 only.